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Equality Policy Brief: Week Five

Michael Soto

Happy February 17th & welcome to Week 5 of your Equality Arizona Policy Brief.


We could not be more happy with our lobby day attendees, see  more photos of the fun here Thank you to everyone who showed up dressed impeccably, took our citizen lobbying training, prepared talking points, and met with legislators to continue allowing trans youth to participate in sports.

Our impact was significant, and we now await for HB2706 to be discussed in the Committee of the Whole where all sixty legislators will weigh the (de)merits of a blanket ban on trans girls participating in sports. Terry Miller, a transgender sprinter, who has been the center of a lawsuit said gave this statement: “I have faced discrimination in every aspect of my life and I no longer want to remain silent. I am a girl and I am a runner. I participate in athletics just like my peers to excel, find community, and meaning in my life. It is both unfair and painful that my victories have to be attacked and my hard work ignored.” Equality Arizona is committed to promoting inclusive competition, upholding the values of a trans-inclusive Title IX law, and working with our community partners on educating allies so that we can Save Women’s Sports (the Right Way!).


In the upcoming days, we will continue to shepherd  HB2867  as it has been assigned to the Health and Human Services Committee.

Only 11% of Arizona residents who responded to  the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey  said they had their correct name and gender on all of their IDs. 68% of Arizonans said that none of their IDs reflected their gender identity. We must make it easier for people to change the gender marker on their birth certificates without having to undergo invasive medical procedures. We are fighting for the bill to get a hearing, as this is the last week new bills will be heard and we would like to begin  mobilizing folks  to support removing surgical requirements or chromosomal counts for gender marker affirmations of transgender and intersex people. Sign up now! Can't make it to the Capitol? You can still make your voice heard. Call House Health & Human Services Committee Chair Representative Barto at (602) 926-5766 – Tell her to hear HB2867. Send her an e-mail

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