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What is Advocacy?

Learn about what advocacy is, why it matters, and how you can get engaged with Equality Arizona as a grassroots advocate.

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State Legislature

We advocate on behalf of LGBTQ Arizonans at the state legislature. But more than that, we help LGBTQ Arizonans advocate for themselves and their families. Our states laws should ensure equal treatment under the law for all Arizonans, including LGBTQ Arizonans.

Federal Government

EQAZ believes that the best policy solutions for our biggest challenges are often found in local communities where everyday Americans live. We know Arizona is one of the best places to find policy that can be scaled to even bigger challenges. So we work with our members of Congress and Presidential administrations to bring real solutions to real challenges.

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Local Government

All politics are local. You can have the biggest impact on the political challenges closet to your daily life. We're here to help you get involved with your county, city, and school board.

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