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Register to Vote

If you are an eligible voter, we encourage you to register to vote. Click here to register today.


Registration Deadlines

Presidential Preference Election – February 20, 2024 is the last day to register

Primary Election – July 8, 2024 is the last day to register

General Election – October 7, 2024 is the last day to register

Not sure if you are registered to vote? Check your registration here.


Register for Vote by Mail

If you would like to vote by mail while you register to vote sign up for the Active Early Voter List. If you do not always want to get your ballot by mail, you can request your ballot for an election here.


Preparing to Vote at the Polls

When you go to the polls in Arizona, you'll need to bring ID. With certain types of photo ID, all you'll need is one document, but if you don't have something that works, you can also provide two forms of ID without photographs that have your legal name and address. If the address on your photo ID is out of date or doesn't match your registration, make sure to bring another form of ID that can substantiate your address.


Types of ID to Bring

Before you go to vote, read through this list to make sure you have the right kinds of ID with you.


Voting While Trans

These ID requirements don't mean you won't be able to vote, but you might meet some obstacles. This guide from NCTE is your best resource if you do.


Provisional Ballots

If your identity documents are challenged or you face any other challenges at the polls, make sure they offer you a provisional ballot. You have the right to vote, and as long as you provide proof of identity to the county recorder by 5:00 pm on November 15th, your vote will be counted.


Call 1-877-THE VOTE

If you experience intimidation while voting, Call 1-877-THE VOTE to make a report with the elections department of the office of the Secretary of State of Arizona.


Find Your District

Following the 2020 U.S. Census, Arizona redrew its political maps in a process called redistricting. This means that the district numbers you might be familiar with as a voter have changed and that the boundaries between districts have moved. To get a better sense of which regions each district corresponds to now, take a look at the official maps from the Independent Redistricting Commission. To find your new congressional district, you can type your address into their search tool. The IRC also publishes a search tool you can use to find your legislative district.


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