Equality Arizona Policy Guide
Non-discrimination Policies
The inclusion of sexual orientation and gender identity in non-discrimination laws is an essential condition for the social and political equality of LGBTQ+ people in Arizona. Without an inclusive state non-discrimination law, many Arizonans not protected by municipal ordinance can have their jobs and housing taken from them or be denied access to public accommodation for their identity, and are thereby excluded from full participation in society.
The recent Supreme Court decision in Bostock v. Clayton County clarifies the definition of sex discrimination in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act to include sexual orientation and gender identity. While the full implications of this landmark ruling remain to be seen, this does extend more legal protection to queer and trans workers in Arizona and across the country.
What about Bostock?
Ban on Conversion Therapy for Minors
Conversion therapy laws prohibit licensed mental health practitioners from subjecting LGBT minors to harmful “conversion therapy” practices that attempt to change their sexual orientation or gender identity. These laws do not restrict the practice among religious providers.
Fighting Anti-Trans and LGBTQ+ Legislation
Anti-trans and anti-queer legislation is designed to reduce our cultural, social, economic, and political power as a community. Whether they pass or not, efforts to keep trans people from using public facilities, to bar trans youth from affirming health care, or to ban trans athletes from their sports often have a demoralizing and disorienting effect on an already vulnerable and overexposed population.
Access to Accurate Legal Documents
Lack of access to legal documents that accurately reflect an individual’s gender identity functions as a vector of de facto discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodation. The rights of transgender individuals to freedom of expression and freedom of movement demand policy that removes barriers to legal name and gender marker changes (inclusive of non-binary genders) on state documents.
Arizona drivers licenses and birth certificates can be amended to reflect changes in name and gender, within specific parameters. For more detail, and the forms you'll need, visit transequality.org/documents/state/arizona.
How Can I Update My ID?
Anti-bullying and Nondiscrimination Laws for Students
Anti-bullying laws protect LGBTQ+ students from bullying by other students, teachers, and school staff on the basis of sexual orientation and/or gender identity. School nondiscrimination laws protect LGBTQ+ students from discrimination in school, including being unfairly denied access to facilities, sports teams, or clubs on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Abortion Access & Reproductive Justice
Abortion access is a centerpiece of reproductive justice, and — examining the consequences to social and economic mobility, to mental health, to dysphoria and general wellness that a lack of access presents — a sine qua non of bodily autonomy. For the full equality of queer people in Arizona, legislation to push back and remove barriers to abortion access is paramount.
Further Policy Priorities
Adoption: non-discrimination for sexual orientation and gender identity
Foster care: non-discrimination for gender identity
Inclusive State family leave
State Medicaid law inclusive of gender identity and transition care
All health providers banned from excluding trans health care coverage
Ban on gay and trans panic defenses
Medically accurate, age appropriate, inclusive sex education
If Roe v. Wade is overturned, decriminalizing abortion in Arizona
Protecting the reproductive freedom of LGBTQ+ families and individuals
Sex worker safety and sex work decriminalization