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Federal Government

Equality Arizona advocates for public that will protect the rights and lives of LGBTQ+ Arizonans now and in the future. We do not work exclusively with any one political party or group - we work with people of goodwill that want to work with us to advocate for LGBTQ+ Arizonans.


Values Drive Our Priorities

We work so that LGBTQ Arizonans are treated equally under the law and so that every LGBTQ+ Arizonan has the same rights and opportunities as our fellow citizens. 


Our Values

We value pluralism and agency. Further, we understand these as core tenets of a free society.


Core Beliefs about the Purpose of Government

We believe that our local,  state, and federal governments have an obligation to recognize the full civil and human rights of all Arizonans and Americans, including LGBTQ+ people. 


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